Data about young people’s health to use in your day to day work.
The AYPH Youth Health Data Hub brings together publicly available data on young people’s health, health service use and health inequalities from a wide range of sources. We extract data specifically relating to the 10-24 age group.
You will also find links to other resources and sources of data to help you understand more about the key issues facing this age group.
“I think it’s important to have data about health because if you know what’s more likely to give you certain illnesses, then if you can prevent it, it might be better than trying to live with it and having to take medication for it.”
Key Data on Young People
Publicly available data on young people’s health and health service use from a wide range of sources to provide a holistic picture of the age-group.
Health inequalities data
Data on health inequalities faced by young people are separated into three sections: drivers of inequality, levers for action and health outcomes.
Draws together key data to support delivery of PSHE in school, based around health education curriculum headings. Includes links to more information and lesson plans.
Young people's perspectives
All Association for Young People’s Health work is underpinned by young people’s perspectives. Here we share young people’s reflections on the data and sources of additional youth perspectives.
The health of young people in low income areas
Our 2024 briefing paper provides an overview of the state of health and wellbeing for young people in England and Wales with a particular focus on low income areas .
2024 Key policy asks
Drawn from AYPH’s work these policy asks for the new UK Government are informed by data and the perspectives of young people and professionals from the young people’s health field.
About this website
This website has been produced by the Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH), a UK based charity.