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The Key Data series has been running since 1997, providing nearly 25 years of information about young people’s lives. Previous editions have been hard copies or on-line PDFs; since 2021 we have presented it as a website.

Key Data collates publicly available data, extracting what we can find that is directly relevant to the 10-25 age group. The information is organised by topic. Click on different themes to get an overview, key findings and links to more information. You can also use the search function to find information on different topics.

We’re very interested in what you think of this as a resource, or any information you might have about additional data sources that might be relevant. Please do email us at any time with comments, suggestions and feedback.

    Finding info on health inequalities

    Although health is clearly influenced by genetics and health care, the wider social determinants of health, such as poverty, play a huge part – accounting for approximately a half of the variation.  Without equal access to resources and support, some young people are put at a disadvantage, and this can be associated with longterm health outcomes. Understanding those inequalities helps to shape practice and policy interventions to improve health outcomes for the age group.

    In these Key Data pages we present an overview of health for young people as a whole. We have included some available data on health inequalities in the relevant sections (eg, information on the association between obesity and deprivation is in the section on Nutrition and obesity. You can use the search facility to find other places on the site where inequalities are currently mentioned.

    Early in 2022 we will be adding a new tab to the site, specifically collating data on health inequalities for young people age 10-24.  This is work is part of our Health Foundation funded health inequalities programme, and you can find out more on the project’s page on the AYPH homesite.