Population size and mortality
Children and young people aged 10-24 account for 18% of the whole population of the UK. The most common causes of death include accidents, self-harm and assault, and cancer.

Young people aged 10-24 form a significant proportion of the UK population. In 2024 there were 8 million 10-19 year olds and 12 million 10-24 year olds.
Chart 1.1: UK population age distribution 2024
Young people aged 10-19 represent 12% of the total population of the UK. If we include those up to their 25th birthday, those aged 10-24 account for 18% of the population.
In the population as a whole more young people than older people fall into ethnic minority groups. The most recent data are from the 2021 census. For young people age 10-24 the proportion of those who classified themselves as falling into a category other than white in the census was just over a quarter (25.2%). The largest groups who were not white were mixed ethnicity, Black and Asian.
All data correct as of 20 August 2024